Sunday, July 15, 2012

No Maximum Capacity

In a corner of my Book of Mormon I have a little note scribbled.  It's a scribble that I stole from a dear friend's Book of Mormon.  It's in Alma 41, which happens to be one of my favorite chapters, due to the topic.
That simple little note says:
"Happiness comes from our capacity to love other people."  
And, you know what?  I believe there is truth in that statement.  
I know of no better example of this principle than Jesus Christ, Himself.  If there ever was a person with a capacity to love, it was certainly the Savior.  How grateful I am for his example in loving others unconditionally.  What's more is that His great love extends into forgiveness and mercy, and not just for a few, but for everyone.  
I find it astonishing that people spend lifetimes and life savings pursuing happiness, when really it is as simple as doing as Jesus so expressly taught.  
So, it the primary song, as we sing,
"As I have loved you, love one another" 
 We are really just being commanded to be happy. 

Today my capacity to love other people was over-flowing. 
But then, what is there not to love about them?

I am one blessed and happy girl, and there is no arguing that.  

Sydnie Juniper

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